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19/05/2022 |

Join Us at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022

The 7th session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022) will take place from the 23rd-28th May 2022, organized and convened by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), and co-chaired by the Government of Indonesia.

The Global Platform takes place at a critical time: seven years from the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the event provides a multi-stakeholder forum to reflect on progress at the mid-point of the framework and to share knowledge and discuss the latest developments and trends in reducing disaster risk.

The GP2022 will take stock of Sendai Framework implementation, recommend actions for policy makers, highlight good practices and raise awareness. The outcomes will be synthesized in the co-Chair’s summary and will contribute to the inter-governmental midterm review of the Sendai Framework scheduled for 2023.

Tomorrow’s Cities will be part of the action throughout GP2022, participating in events and discussion both in-person in Bali, and online, hosting an official side-event, and an interactive online platform

Urban multi-hazard risk policy transitions for addressing systemic risk: An Official Online Side-Event Hosted by Tomorrow’s Cities

When: 27 May 2022. 09:00 – 10:30 (Bali UTC+8)

Where: Online-Zoom Webinar

Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HQS97JekSjan-6NfikwScw

About this event:

The Sendai Framework urges national and subnational governments to address the understanding, quantification and appropriate policies and interventions to manage systemic risk. To open a constructive dialogue on entry points for decision making and action arising from work on multi-hazard urban risk reduction, this session brings together a diversity of perspectives drawing on the experiences of various stakeholders learning from the UKRI-GCRF Tomorrow’s Cities Hub.

The session advocates that a better understanding of systemic risk can be achieved by promoting people-centred decision making that accounts for the dynamic interactions between multiple hazards, vulnerabilities, capacities, and impacts across space. Our collective experience confirms that this framing enables policy actors to address the challenge of mainstreaming multi-hazard risk reduction into urban planning and development. This primarily consists of opening spaces for actors to engage in collaborative processes that bring local voices and science into policymaking at both city and national levels.

Session objectives:

  1. Attempt to understand systemic risk from an urban, multi-hazard perspective, including viewpoints from academia, professional associations, national governments and international organisations.
  2. Consider ways to support the management of dynamic multi-hazard risk in cities and urban areas.
  3. Discuss innovative governance frameworks for mainstreaming multi-hazard risk into urban planning and development toward empowering the most at risk.

Visit our online exhibition booth at https://hopin.com/events/7th-session-of-the-global-platform-for-disaster-risk-reduction-gp2022

In Bali? Come meet us!

Some of our team will be in Bali throughout the event, come and join John McCloskey, Carmine Galasso, Ramesh Guragain, Gemma Cremen, María Evangelina Filippi, and Iain Stewart, to learn more about our Tomorrow’s Cities Decision Support Environment (TCDSE) and collaborate with us! Get in touch with us by emailing support@tomorrowscities.org