John McCloskey

Prof. John McCloskey
Former Director and Principal Investigator, GCRF Urban Disaster Risk: Tomorrow's Cities

John McCloskey MRIA was Professor of Natural Hazards Science at the University of Edinburgh. His research focused on basic and applied earthquake science most likely to contribute to reduced impact in the developing world. He served on the Cabinet Office Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) during the Nepal earthquake crisis and provided near real-time aftershock forecasts to SAGE and to Concern Worldwide staff in the field. He was elected Member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2011 and placed 72 on the 2010 Sunday Times list of the 100 most influential scientists, mainly in recognition of his work during the Sumatra earthquake and tsunami crises, and a recipient of the European Geophysical Society’s Young Scientist publication award and the Institute of Physics Teacher award.