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Tomorrow’s Cities is now recruiting up to six new cities to experience the TCDSE and to help understand the consequences of current decisions on the futures of your city for hundreds of years. However, some conditions must be met. Find out if the Tomorrow’s Cities Decision Support Environment is for you. 



Is your city exposed to a range of hazards such as earthquake, floods, landslides, tsunamis?





Political Context

Political will to reduce multi-hazard disaster risk requires commitment to evidence based, inclusive and people-centred risk reduction as part of urban development.

  • Does your city foreground disaster risk in its thinking about urban development?

  • Does your country and your city prioritise disaster risk reduction in its policy framework?




Urban Expansion

Tomorrow’s Cities’ focus is on urban expansion and helping make decisions to reduce risk in as yet unbuilt places and communities. We do not address existing disaster risk.

  • Does your city have an ongoing development plan driven by urban expansion?

  • Do your planning authorities struggle with conflicting priorities in addressing issues of disaster risk reduction and urban development?


Urban Expansion


Local Human Resources

The ultimate aim of the TCDSE is to help your city kick-start a long-term process leading to evidence-based decision making over the next 30 years. Local technical capacity is critical.

  • Does your city or settlement have access to a local university committed to studying and actively mitigating disaster risk?

  • Does the institution have a cadre of young highly motivated staff who are keen to engage with a wide range of international experts to co-learn ways to plan disaster risk out of development in their communities?


Human Resources


As part of Tomorrow’s Cities, your city will go through a process of several stages:


Phase 1: City Engagement

The Tomorrow’s Cities team will support you through the process of considering whether the TCDSE is suitable for your development project and help you gauge the commitment from your institutions and communities to the process.


Phase 2: Pre-engagement research

During this phase and after the mutual fit of Tomorrow’s Cities processes and the city are agreed, Tomorrow’s Cities and local city teams will work together to explore the detail of the process, assess the background information and capacities, and help the local leadership team to build the local team and identify capacity gaps to be filled, in the short term, by the international team, and that ultimately can be built either locally or in collaboration with other cities globally.


Phase 3: The Tomorrow’s Cities Capacity Strengthening Programme

Tomorrow’s Cities designed a training programme to prepare new cities in the implementation and use of the TCDSE. Combining online and in presence modules and tailored to each city’s specific context, the training programme covers all the technical and operational details of the TCDSE, divided into five learning stages and delivered by the Hub’s researchers.


Phase 4 and 5: The Tomorrow’s Cities Decision Environment

The main intensive engagement in the chosen cities will be the Tomorrow’s Cities Decision Support Environment (TCDSE).