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24/01/2024 | Kathmandu

Newly Released: Khokana Visioning Booklet Now Available in English

The Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), one of Tomorrow’s Cities partners in Nepal, just published an English version of the Khokana Visioning Booklet which summarises the results of a four-year long collaboration with the Lalitpur Metropolitan City.

The work focused in Khokana, one of the rapidly urbanizing towns in the Kathmandu valley, and was based on the findings of the deployment of Tomorrow’s Cities Decision Support Environment Future Visioning stage. This was the first deployment of the TCDSE in a city.

The report unravels the intricate web of natural and non-natural risks affecting the region, delving into the underlying causes behind these challenges. Seeking answers to critical questions, the work explored the impact of increasing urbanization, the differential effects of disasters on Khokana’s diverse social and economic structure, the role of development in exacerbating hazards like floods and landslides, and the future aspirations of Khokana’s residents in the face of evolving societal dynamics and an escalating risk landscape. In the annexes the envisioned futures created by the participating communities and the methods that were employed are detailed.

The report was prepared by Dilli Prasad Poudel, Maniram Banjhade, Rojani Manandhar, Binod Adhikari, Netra Prasad Timsina and the design by Pradip Dhakal.