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The urban political ecology of ‘haphazard urbanisation’ and disaster risk creation in the Kathmandu valley, Nepal

This paper examines the impact of rapid urbanisation on the production of unequal disaster risk in Khokana, peri-urban town in the Kathmandu

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Understanding Vulnerabilities through an intersectional lens in Khokana, Kathmandu, Nepal

This working paper analyses and presents preliminary conclusions of TC's researchers study of Khokana, Nepal, a traditional and small Newari village about 8 kilometers south of Kathmandu.

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Production of Risks and Local Risk Governance in Kathmandu Valley

This research is a part of the UKRI GCRF funded project Tomorrow’s Cities, which has the objective to encourage pro

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Strengthening community-based disaster management institutions to tackle COVID–19 and local disasters

The effects of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 have been very apparent as people, politics,

and economics of the world have been brought down to a grinding halt. Almost all of the

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Mapping DRR institutions and actors across scales from centre to local: Kathmandu, Nepal

This is the first report coming out of Work Package 1: Theme 2 (Governance and Institutions) for the Tomorrow’s Cities GCRF Hub in Kathmandu city.

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Multi-Hazard Scenarios and Dynamic Risk

In this paper, we discuss the dynamic nature of risk through the lens of multi-hazard relationships and scenarios.

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Tomorrow's Kathmandu statement on UK Government cuts to Overseas Development Assistance

In Kathmandu, UKRI GCRF funding is enabling the Tomorrow’s Cities Hub to work in partnership with government, research institutes, civil society and communities.

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Tomorrow’s Resilient Kathmandu: Report on Imagining Futures Workshop

The niche of the Tomorrow's Cities project lies in the fact that 60 percent of the area that is expected to be urb

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Trend of urban growth in Nepal with a focus in Kathmandu Valley: A review of processes and drivers of change

Authors: Timsina, N.R. with input from Poudel, D.P., Upadhyaya, R., and Shrestha, A