Review of flood modelling and models in developing cities and informal settlements: A case of Nairobi city
Study region: This study focuses on urban flood modelling in developing cities with a special focus on informal s
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Study region: This study focuses on urban flood modelling in developing cities with a special focus on informal s
The third DRR and gender mainstreaming dialogue with community leaders was hosted by the Nairobi Risk Hub on Wednesday the 3rd of February, 2021 on zoom platform.
The second community dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) was hosted by The Nairobi Risk Hub on the 26th of November, 2020.
In the context that we live in, risks abound and are systemic in nature. Proliferating risks are emerging in ways never anticipated before.
This technical report summarizes the key emerging highlights from the “Cities of the Future: Pathways to a Resilient African City Beyond COVID-19” seminar under the Cities and Resilience theme that
In this paper, we discuss the dynamic nature of risk through the lens of multi-hazard relationships and scenarios.
Global policy frameworks, such as the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, increasingly advocate for multi-hazard approaches across different spatial scales.
Disasters and their associated risks have continued to evolve in complexity, forms, frequencies, and severity.
In Nairobi, Tomorrow’s Cities Hub is working in partnership with the government and communities to build disaster risk out of urban development.
Disasters do not discriminate; however, existing socio-economic conditions present segregated disaster impacts even for similar communitie