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Measurement of field hydraulic conductivity for a Quito soil

In Quito, Ecuador, landslides present a significant threat to communities settled on hillsides and ravine slopes, and geotechnical data is needed to assess slope stability.

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Envisioning the future by learning from the past: Arts and humanities in interdisciplinary tools for promoting a culture of risk

Disaster risk is the result of complex interactions between the drivers of vulnerability such as poverty and lack of access to resources and the impacts from multiple hazards (wit

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Developing a geotechnical database to improve slope stability assessments in Quito, Ecuador

Quito, Ecuador, is a city at risk of many hazards including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides, compounded by the widespread presence of problematic volcanic soils known as Cangahua.

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Evaluating night-time light sources and correlation with socio-economic development using high-resolution multi-spectral Jilin-1 satellite imagery of Quito, Ecuador

Atificial light at night (ALAN) has positive and negative effects on social, economic, environmental, and ecological systems, and will increase with urban expansion.

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Hazard & Impact Modelling

Modelling the effect of hydraulic conductivity variability on slope stability calculations for a site in South-East Quito, Ecuador

Rainfall-triggered landslides are increasingly a concern in rapidly urbanising areas around the globe.

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Enhancing disaster risk resilience using greenspace in urbanising Quito, Ecuador

Using satellite data, researchers from the Tomorrow’s Cities Hub, analysed Quito’s recent historical urban expansion and multi-hazard risks to identify green spaces that can

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Transversalización del Enfoque de Derechos en el Plan Metropolitano de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito

La Secretaría General de Planificación, en coordinación con el Instituto Metropolitano de Planificación

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Laboratorio Urbano Para La Reduccion Del Riesgo de Desastres

El Centro de investigación aplicada Ciudades del Mañana “Tomorrow’s Cities - Urban Risk in Transition” es impulsado por el Gobierno del Reino U

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Prevención del riesgo futuro – Ambiente de respaldo para la toma de decisiones (DSE) Laboratorio urbano para la reducción del riesgo de desastre – Nota conceptual

El Centro Ciudades del Mañana (Tomorrow’s Cities), conformado por la Escuela Politécnica Nacional, la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, la Facultad

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Workshop Synthesis and Actionable Learning Report - The Quito Hub

The two Review and Learning Workshops of the Quito Hub took place on the 4th and 11th September 2020.