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Transversalizaci n del Enfoque de Derechos en el Plan Metropolitano de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito

La Secretaría General de Planificación, en coordinación con el Instituto Metropolitano de Planificación Urbana, el Instituto de la Ciudad y la Secretaría de Territorio, Hábitat y Vivienda, se encue

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Rebuilding the Neighbourhood History Methodology

The history of the neighbourhood is a methodology for promoting self-reflection about how humans modified the environment and at the same time bringing back memo

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Community Perception and Communication of Volcanic Risk from the Cotopaxi Volcano in Latacunga, Ecuador

The inhabitants of Latacunga living in the surrounding of the Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador) are exposed to several hazards and related disasters.

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Guía paso a paso para el cierre técnico de un pozo séptico

Una práctica común en los sectores urbano – marginales y rurales de nuestro país y específicamente de la ciudad de Quito en cuanto a la provisión de servicios básicos, consiste en implementar medid

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Multi-Hazard Scenarios and Dynamic Risk

In this paper, we discuss the dynamic nature of risk through the lens of multi-hazard relationships and scenarios.

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Tomorrow's Quito statement on UK Government cuts to Overseas Development Assistance

In Quito, UKRI GCRF funding has allowed the Tomorrow’s Cities Hub to work in partnership with government, universities, civil society and communities since late 2019.

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The COVID-19 pandemic and its challenges for Ecuador

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed worldwide the multi-dimensional vulnerability of contemporary societies under the neoliberal logic

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The emergence of COVID-19 in Ecuador

The emergence of Covid-19 in Ecuador: An approach from disaster risk management and its relation with the Tomorrow’s Cities Hub

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Tomorrow’s Cities and Covid-19: A discussion

Covid-19 has changed the context for working and will likely change the local and policy landscape for the Tomorrow's Cities Hub - it has and will have a major relevance for our collective work and