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Transversalizaci n del Enfoque de Derechos en el Plan Metropolitano de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito

La Secretaría General de Planificación, en coordinación con el Instituto Metropolitano de Planificación Urbana, el Instituto de la Ciudad y la Secretaría de Territorio, Hábitat y Vivienda, se encue

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Identification of Structural Properties of the Incirli Pedestrian Bridge and Structural Response Analysis

Incirli Pedestrian bridge links the Bakirköy and Bahçelievler districts of Istanbul by crossing over the D100 highway and being exposed to heavy pedestrian traffic in peak-hours, since it is the on

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Landslide Risk Report of Istanbul

Istanbul, landslides are the first largest disaster in terms of the number of incidents and the second-largest natural disaster after earthquakes in terms of affected houses.

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Earthquake Performance of Cevizlibağ Metrobus Overpass

Cevizlibağ Metrobus Overpass has a very important place in Istanbul transportation due to its high pedestrian density and its location on the main ro

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Rebuilding the Neighbourhood History Methodology

The history of the neighbourhood is a methodology for promoting self-reflection about how humans modified the environment and at the same time bringing back memo

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Community Engagement on Disaster Risk Reduction - Third Dialogue

The third DRR and gender mainstreaming dialogue with community leaders was hosted by the Nairobi Risk Hub on Wednesday the 3rd of February, 2021 on zoom platform.

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Community Engagement on Disaster Risk Reduction - Second Dialogue

The second community dialogue on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) was hosted by The Nairobi Risk Hub on the 26th of November, 2020.

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Community Engagement on Disaster Risk Reduction 2020 - First Dialogue

The Nairobi Urban Risk Hub hosted the first community dialogues on the 10th of November, 2020. The first in a 4-part series of dialogues.

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Strengthening community-based disaster management institutions to tackle COVID–19 and local disasters

The effects of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 have been very apparent as people, politics,

and economics of the world have been brought down to a grinding halt. Almost all of the

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Mapping DRR institutions and actors across scales from centre to local: Kathmandu, Nepal

This is the first report coming out of Work Package 1: Theme 2 (Governance and Institutions) for the Tomorrow’s Cities GCRF Hub in Kathmandu city.