Education, more graduates but less job opportunities.
Education was another focal point of the discussion, with participants expressing concerns about the declining quality of education in Nablus. Despite an increasing number of graduates, job opportunities for these individuals have become scarce. This stark disparity between education and employment prospects poses a significant challenge for the city's youth.
Inequalities in access to healthcare services is also seen as a challenge by this group of women. They told us that the distribution of health clinics is unfair and difficult to access at times, especially in rural areas and refugee camps.
“In the past, refugee camps benefited from UNRWA support, including on-site clinics, but these services have waned over time.”
- Balata refugee camp resident.
Resilience for the future
Despite the differences in their backgrounds, the women in the group shared a common vision for Nablus, one that bridges the gap between the past and the present, for a brighter future. During the workshops, they expressed their future aspirations and identified policies in areas as diverse as infrastructure, environment, jobs and livelihoods and the rule of law. Then, with the support of Tomorrow’s Cities Facilitators, they projected those visions onto a land-use plan.
At the core of their vision is a call for a resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding various hazards, both natural and man-made. This plea is accompanied by a demand for legislation and policies support that future. To ensure the safety of their community, the women advocate for early warning systems that can provide timely alerts of incoming hazards and shelters where residents can seek refuge during times of crisis.
In an effort to foster a greener, more sustainable city, with better air quality, the group proposed legislation mandating the creation of green spaces in every neighbourhood together with the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems.
“We yearn for a brighter future where we empower our fellow women through the creation of a comprehensive job and training center. This center won't just offer education and skill development; it will also unlock a multitude of job opportunities, dismantling age-old barriers and forging a path towards true gender equality”.
- Inhabitant of Nablus
Additionally, the women envision an expanded portfolio of tourist attractions in Nablus, recognizing the economic benefits that tourism can bring to their city.