Participatory and risk informed visioning for Kibera informal settlement, Nairobi.

Nairobi Hub Team
March 2023

Like many other developing cities, Nairobi is experiencing rapid urbanization and increasing disaster risks especially for the poor. The city historically has strong institutional focus on emergency response both at the practice and regulatory levels. With a focus on the present response, planning for the future of the city and associated risks remains unclear and unconsolidated with little consideration of the consequences of today’s decisions on tomorrow’s Nairobi. Despite their vulnerability, the Nairobi urban poor, mainly living in the informal settlements such as Kibera are rarely integrated or considered in urban and risk decision/planning processes. These two concerns impede adequate planning to support DRR for the poor and vulnerable groups in Nairobi. Through the Tomorrow’s Cities Decision Support Environment (TCDSE), this report highlights some of the aspirations of different social groups within Kibera that could make the area safe from disaster risks in the future. The report is based on a series of stakeholder consultations that culminated in a two-day visioning workshop bringing together different groups within Kibera