Vibek Manandhar

Vibek Manandhar
TC Program Manager (NSET), Research Associate (WP1 - WP4), Capacity Strengthening Module 3 Lead

Vibek is a Structural Engineer working at the National Society for Earthquake Technology in earthquake fragility/vulnerability, earthquake resistant design, physical Impact modelling, experimental research and Disaster Risk Reduction.


Role in Tomorrow’s Cities.

Physical impact modelling in terms of decision on fragility model selection for various building typologies in Kathmandu. Co-author in a paper published in IJDRR on physical impact model selection and development.

 Designed flood vulnerability survey in two areas of Kathmandu Valley as part of the research on development of component-based flood fragility model.

Development of python code for exposure detailing for 3 land use plans

NSET lead for Capacity Strengthening Work Package Module 3, also developed content for one of the sessions: Model selection working with Roberto Gentile.

Coordinating and facilitating NSET activities and contribution across all work packages in Kathmandu